So I went on vacation to visit my family for the first time in a long time. As it turns out I was a little more tense than I realized and my mother and husband thought I might need more time away. I agreed. With my sweet and excited six year old daughter I stayed several extra days and my mother brought us home this week. She even stayed a couple of days.
So, as a first year stay at home, home schooling mom I am, evidently, struggling with a couple of things and those that love me have noticed. Sadly, I did not realize just how "stressed" I was. Sadly, it took a crew of people that know and love me to notice the c-4 that was brewing inside of me. Sadly, I think, I mean thought, that I am, I mean was or I mean I think, or thought ...... yeah.... thats how it has been.
To be frank, I am not sure what I think or thought or what is real or not. I know that I love my daughter. I love my husband. I have an awesome life that I am grateful for. Yet.... I am still wound up like a ball of rubber bands that have been left in the sun then stored in a freezer.
Am I a bad mom?
Am I ungrateful?
Should I put my daughter in public school and go back to work?
So I come home, my mom goes back home... I get back in the "groove" and find that the extra few days did not "fix" me.
Evidently, all it takes to put me back on the crazy train is an absent minded mom in the post office parking lot and some sand in my daughters shoes.
So I sit here, watching reruns of Burn Notice, with my husband avoiding (by demand) me.
Am I alone? Should I take the doctors advice and chemically conceal the weapon of my insanity? Am I insane? Or am I just a mom that forgot to ask for a couple of days off in the last 18 months? Am I a bad mom for wanting time to my self? Time to not be needed? Am I not worthy of homeschooling because I need that time off? Is being on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week humane?
Do I love my daughter less because I want the chance to miss her? Are her questions less valuable because I don't always want to answer them?
I know that some ask these questions for reassurance and coddling. I really want to know. If I am in the wrong, I want to know so I can fix it. If I am crazy and need medication.... I will take it. And if you know me at all, you will know that medication is the last thing I want.
God is good and I know He loves me. I know that Jesus says not to worry. I have read all of the Corinthians.... even the "important" chapters on love.
Yet, here I am. What does a loving yet crazy mom do?
Through the Bible, life experiences, love for family & friends and the beauty of nature around me I am growing daily. I would like to share my journey with you. Three of my favorite things are Prayer, Praise and Worship. You will find lots on those topics and a dash of the rest of my life!
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Powerful Prayer 3 - Rooted Deep in Love
One of my all time favorite prayers of Paul is from Ephesians 3. In verses 14-21 you will find an incredibly powerful and deep prayer. Since it is a longer excerpt, I am going to quote some of the verses here but give you a link to the whole passage to read on your own when you have some time to really meditate on it.
Ephesians 3:14-21 (AMP)
As usual, I find that there is very little that I can say to add value to these powerful words. God's Word does not need my help accept to be a tool to spread it.
Here are a couple of questions I have been rolling around as I read and pray over this passage of scripture.
How well do I understand Gods Love for me?
Am I wholly filled and flooded with God Himself?
Ephesians 3:17-19 (AMP)
"May Christ through your faith [actually] dwell (settle down, abide, make His permanent home) in your hearts! May you be rooted deep in love and founded securely on love,
That you may have the power and be strong to apprehend and grasp with all the saints [God's devoted people, the experience of that love] what is the breadth and length and height and depth [of it];
[That you may really come] to know [practically, through experience for yourselves] the love of Christ, which far surpasses mere knowledge [without experience]; that you may be filled [through all your being] unto all the fullness of God [may have the richest measure of the divine Presence, and become a body wholly filled and flooded with God Himself]!"
That is not even half of this beautiful prayer. Imagine the power of praying this for your family, yourself and your loved ones each day. This is a prayer that you can pray over your church and your pastor; all those that you would love to see grow closer to God!
And we can know that He will here and answer this prayer! Verse 20 tells us that He is "able to do super abundantly, far over and above all that we ask or think" So we can pray often, pray big and with complete faith!
Ephesians 3:21 (AMP)
"To Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations forever and ever. Amen (so be it)."
May your day be full of love, joy, peace and hope!
Today I am linking up with the following beautiful blogs!

Monday, May 14, 2012
Yarn Lovin' - Making Lemonade from Lemons
The past week has been, well, lets just say unpleasant and unproductive. Between Tuesday and Thursday we all came down with a nasty virus. By far the most debilitating virus our family has had in our history. So once I got past the I can't move or think part, I still could not move around much but my mind was going all over the place. I decided to take advantage of this time to work on my passion for crochet! I am happy to say that this virus has been returned to the fiery pit that it came from and we are all feeling (almost) back to normal!
So today, I am going to share the fruits of my "labor" from this past week - my Lemonade made from some very sour lemons!
This is the One Big Granny Square Afghan that I am making for my daughter. I started it before this week but have almost completed it in the last few days!
I have recently discovered the satisfaction of small crochet projects. They use small amounts of yarn and are completed quickly. So I can feel good about accomplishing something! :) If you have read my past posts on my ability to complete projects, you will know this is a big deal!
So today, I am going to share the fruits of my "labor" from this past week - my Lemonade made from some very sour lemons!
This is the One Big Granny Square Afghan that I am making for my daughter. I started it before this week but have almost completed it in the last few days!
I have recently discovered the satisfaction of small crochet projects. They use small amounts of yarn and are completed quickly. So I can feel good about accomplishing something! :) If you have read my past posts on my ability to complete projects, you will know this is a big deal!
This is a vertical stripe coffee cozy pattern that I found at "Lucy 'In the sky!" She has a wonderful blog with a ton of great patterns and ideas! I did not follow the pattern completely since I was going by memory at the time but you can find it in the link above, along with another very cute one!
This is a can cozy that is an adaptation from a basic cozy pattern I found. I added the decorative stitching and thought the glitter yarn would add some pizazz! :)
I am having so much fun and so many great ideas that I am considering opening an Etsy store with completed projects and patterns. If any of you lovely crafters have one (or have tried it) and have any advice or thoughts for me, I would greatly appreciate them!
Happy crafting and blessings for everyone!
Today I am linking with:
granny square,
in the sky,
yarn lovin
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Praise God Moments and Powerful Prayer
My daughter is not feeling well this week and I am super behind. I had big plans for my posts this week but that will wait. In the meantime, I have decided to combine my Powerful Prayer from Tuesdays and Praise God Moments from Thursday. Since Praise and Prayer go hand in hand I thought this would work out nicely!
Philippians 4:5-7 (NIV*)
"Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
How powerful is that, right?
No worries! Relax! God is near. Just ask Him, thank Him, present your requests to Him and the peace of God will guard your heart and mind!
I do not know anyone that could not use more of the peace of God in heart or mind. I know I need it, not just daily, but continually.
Psalm 30:11-12 (NIV*)
"You turned my wailing into dancing;
you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy,
that my heart may sing your praises and not be silent.
Lord my God, I will praise you forever."
I have found that the times that I least feel like dancing and singing to the Lord are the exact times I need to be doing it. In most instances I do not start out with pep in my step or volume in my voice. However, I will invariably end with both, along with a joy and peace in my soul that cannot be explained.
I have a challenge for all of my beautiful readers! The next time you have no desire to thank God, praise God or sing and dance to God - do it. Then come back here and tell us about it! Share that peace and joy and give the glory to God! :)
To God be all the Glory and Honor! AMEN!
This week I am linking up with:

*THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
Philippians 4:5-7 (NIV*)
"Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
How powerful is that, right?
No worries! Relax! God is near. Just ask Him, thank Him, present your requests to Him and the peace of God will guard your heart and mind!
I do not know anyone that could not use more of the peace of God in heart or mind. I know I need it, not just daily, but continually.
Psalm 30:11-12 (NIV*)
"You turned my wailing into dancing;
you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy,
that my heart may sing your praises and not be silent.
Lord my God, I will praise you forever."
I have found that the times that I least feel like dancing and singing to the Lord are the exact times I need to be doing it. In most instances I do not start out with pep in my step or volume in my voice. However, I will invariably end with both, along with a joy and peace in my soul that cannot be explained.
I have a challenge for all of my beautiful readers! The next time you have no desire to thank God, praise God or sing and dance to God - do it. Then come back here and tell us about it! Share that peace and joy and give the glory to God! :)
To God be all the Glory and Honor! AMEN!
This week I am linking up with:

*THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Praise God Moments
O GIVE thanks to the Lord, for He is good; for his mercy and loving-kindness endure forever!
Psalm 107:1 (amp)
Thank you, Father, for
We are delivered from the control and dominion of darkness!
We are transferred into the Kingdom of the Son of Your love!
We are redeemed - forgiven of our sins, through the blood of Jesus Christ!
Colossians 1:13-14 (amp)
[The Father] has delivered and drawn us to Himself out of the control and the dominion of darkness and has transferred us into the kingdom of the Son of His love,
In Whom we have our redemption through His blood, [which means] the forgiveness of our sins
Let the redeemed of the Lord Say So!
This is the first of what I pray will be many posts devoted to praising our awsome God! I plan to do this every Thursday and would love for you to join me! I would be honored if you would share with me what you are praising God for this week!
I am starting my Thankful List this week and will continue it with the Praise God post each week!
(in no particular order!)
1. The smell of spring
2. The sound of my daughter laughing
3. Fresh Mercy every morning
4. Flowers
5. Deliverance from smoking
6. Clean running water
7. My husband and best friend
Jesus Christ,
Praise God,
Thankful Thursday,
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Powerful Prayer Week 1
This week I am beginning a Tuesday series devoted to prayer. Prayer is a big part of my life but I feel like I need to spend more of my time focusing on it. I would like to share with you the prayers that I study from the Bible and how they affect my life. This is, also, intended that your prayer life will be even further enriched and that you will see more of the beautiful work of our Lord in your life!
At first I was going to attempt to write a deep and thorough study of the verses that I focus on each week. After a couple of failed attempts, I am positive that I am supposed to keep it simple, to allow for the Holy Spirit to work in each of us to show each one personally what He wants us to take away from it.
At first I was going to attempt to write a deep and thorough study of the verses that I focus on each week. After a couple of failed attempts, I am positive that I am supposed to keep it simple, to allow for the Holy Spirit to work in each of us to show each one personally what He wants us to take away from it.
Week 1 of Powerful Prayer Tuesday!
9For this reason we also, from the day we heard of it, have not ceased to pray and make [special] request for you, [asking] that you may be filled with the full (deep and clear) knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom [in comprehensive insight into the ways and purposes of God] and in understanding and discernment of spiritual things-- 10That you may walk (live and conduct yourselves) in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to Him and desiring to please Him in all things, bearing fruit in every good work and steadily growing and increasing in and by the knowledge of God [with fuller, deeper, and clearer insight, acquaintance, and recognition].
11[We pray] that you may be invigorated and strengthened with all power according to the might of His glory, [to exercise] every kind of endurance and patience (perseverance and forbearance) with joy,
12Giving thanks to the Father, Who has qualified and made us fit to share the portion which is the inheritance of the saints (God's holy people) in the Light.
This is a prayer that I have been praying over my husband for a while. God has truly blessed him in many ways. Recently, I began praying it over our whole family and our close friends and I can feel it working in our home. I am confident that our family and friends will be blessed also. I feel that this is a prayer that we can all benefit from and as I type, I pray that all who read this will be blessed by it. That you will be "filled with the full (deep and clear) knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom [in comprehensive insight into the ways and purposes of God] and in understanding and discernment of spiritual things..."
So it shall be!
Blessings and Joy to all!
Linking up with
11[We pray] that you may be invigorated and strengthened with all power according to the might of His glory, [to exercise] every kind of endurance and patience (perseverance and forbearance) with joy,
12Giving thanks to the Father, Who has qualified and made us fit to share the portion which is the inheritance of the saints (God's holy people) in the Light.
This is a prayer that I have been praying over my husband for a while. God has truly blessed him in many ways. Recently, I began praying it over our whole family and our close friends and I can feel it working in our home. I am confident that our family and friends will be blessed also. I feel that this is a prayer that we can all benefit from and as I type, I pray that all who read this will be blessed by it. That you will be "filled with the full (deep and clear) knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom [in comprehensive insight into the ways and purposes of God] and in understanding and discernment of spiritual things..."
So it shall be!
Blessings and Joy to all!
Linking up with

Born Again,
Holy Spirit,
Jesus Christ,
Powerful Prayer,
Sunday, April 29, 2012
A Taste of Heaven
Gods Glory Manifested Around Me
On the way to church last Sunday I noticed a small gravel road with a sign that announces "Stillhouse Hollow Falls State Natural Area."
Well, lets just say I mentioned it in an excited way to my husband. Then let it go. We had places to go, you know.
On the way home from church and lunch, my very loving hubby slows down and points at the sign. I nod and smile. He makes a U turn and we pull into the small gravel road/parking lot off the highway and park. He reminds me that our daughter and I are not dressed for the occasion. I remind him that we are tougher than we look and clothes are made to be worn and worn out. Then we take a look at the posted map of the journey to the waterfall. It's not paved and absolutely not level. Our daughter is in very cute high top boots that match her skirt. (Thank you, Nana!) Perfect for a pink unicorn loving tomboy! I am in a long skirt and flip flops. Not conventional hiking attire. I remind him that many women survived in dresses for years before the feminist movement gave us pants.
And a beautiful journey began! We made it in one peace and fell in love. So we decided to come back the following Saturday dressed properly and with water and bug spray. (the tics are crazy this year and I am tired of them.)
The first, smaller, waterfall.
I was taken back by the beauty last weekend. I was speechless this time. The second time back, with boots and other nice amenities allowed me the opportunity to pay attention to much more than my feet. I took so many pictures my battery almost died.
I know no other way to describe this place. We were surrounded and engulfed by Gods Glory manifested around us. It was overwhelming, fascinating and humbling.
Because I cannot, in my own mind, fathom words to describe the absolute majesty in this small fragment of Gods amazing creation, I made a video that contains just some of the pictures I took and a song that really says it all. This is my very first video! I pray that you will be able to see and feel the Glory that permeates all of creation!
Have you found any amazing spots close to home that you love to visit? I would love to hear about them!
I am linking up with...

I am linking up with...

Thursday, April 26, 2012
My Favorite "Weed" - The Dandelion
Something that I really enjoy and love learning about are herbs and all of the wonderful ways we can use them in our lives. I realized that this is one of the important things in my life that I have neglected to talk about in my blog. So, today I am going to fix that!
I truly believe that God gave us everything we need in His original creation. I am not saying that modern medicine has no value. I am grateful for all of the advances that have been made. However, I believe that there are many health issues that come up in our lives that we can easily treat with natural remedies that are more effective, affordable and with less (or no) side effects. Just incorporating certain herbs/plants in our daily diet may prevent many problems in our bodies. In all cases, you should consult a medical professional if you have health concerns or problems. I am no doctor or professional but am just sharing my opinion and experience with these particular plants.
There are so many wonderful and useful plants around us that we do not even recognize as being valuable or useful. Take the Dandelion for example. Most people consider it a weed that they work diligently to rid their yards of. The Dandelion just happens to be a handy little plant to have around! The entire plant is edible, the flowers and leaves go great in salads and the roots are used to make a "coffee" like beverage! On top of that it is very healthy to have in your diet. Dandelion Root is often used to treat Acne, Bladder Infection, Bronchitis, Colds, PMS.... the list goes on. The leaves contain Vitamins A and C and the flowers are one of the best sources of Lecithin. Lecithin is a nutrient that elevates the brains acetylcholine and may play a role in boosting memory and mental focus, as well as being good for some liver problems.
The Dandelion is just one of my favorite herbs. I make and use Echinacea tincture regularly as needed for colds and other virus' that enter our home and bodies. Stinging Nettle is another plant considered a nuisance that has amazing qualities. It can be made into a tea for to help sooth a cold and the leaves can be boiled and prepared just like Collard or Mustard Greens. Can't sleep? Try a cup of Chamomile or Valerian Root tea!
The list goes on and I am still in the early learning stages of my journey with Herbs. I will continue to share my discoveries with you as I learn and grow!
Do you use any herbs in your family? What are your favorites?
Linking up with Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop at and Winky Linky Weekend Hop over at Misadventures in Motherhood!

I truly believe that God gave us everything we need in His original creation. I am not saying that modern medicine has no value. I am grateful for all of the advances that have been made. However, I believe that there are many health issues that come up in our lives that we can easily treat with natural remedies that are more effective, affordable and with less (or no) side effects. Just incorporating certain herbs/plants in our daily diet may prevent many problems in our bodies. In all cases, you should consult a medical professional if you have health concerns or problems. I am no doctor or professional but am just sharing my opinion and experience with these particular plants.
There are so many wonderful and useful plants around us that we do not even recognize as being valuable or useful. Take the Dandelion for example. Most people consider it a weed that they work diligently to rid their yards of. The Dandelion just happens to be a handy little plant to have around! The entire plant is edible, the flowers and leaves go great in salads and the roots are used to make a "coffee" like beverage! On top of that it is very healthy to have in your diet. Dandelion Root is often used to treat Acne, Bladder Infection, Bronchitis, Colds, PMS.... the list goes on. The leaves contain Vitamins A and C and the flowers are one of the best sources of Lecithin. Lecithin is a nutrient that elevates the brains acetylcholine and may play a role in boosting memory and mental focus, as well as being good for some liver problems.
The Dandelion is just one of my favorite herbs. I make and use Echinacea tincture regularly as needed for colds and other virus' that enter our home and bodies. Stinging Nettle is another plant considered a nuisance that has amazing qualities. It can be made into a tea for to help sooth a cold and the leaves can be boiled and prepared just like Collard or Mustard Greens. Can't sleep? Try a cup of Chamomile or Valerian Root tea!
The list goes on and I am still in the early learning stages of my journey with Herbs. I will continue to share my discoveries with you as I learn and grow!
Do you use any herbs in your family? What are your favorites?
Linking up with Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop at and Winky Linky Weekend Hop over at Misadventures in Motherhood!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012
7X7 Blog Awards
7×7 Blog Award
Better late than never.... I hope! The last 3 months have been very busy but I am getting back in the groove!
Blogging is like a community. A strange community you might not want to be stranded in at 3am, but a community nonetheless. Get out there, explore some blogs, and enjoy what you might discover.
I am absolutely amazed that I was nominated by two of my favorite bloggers for the 7X7 Award. I have to give a thank you to Jennifer: Mommyhuh. I absolutely love how frank and open Jennifer is. She helps me to shake off my shyness and share more of who I am. She always has something funny and true to share that resonates with my life!
And to Lauren at Our Hiding Place. I can't describe the inspiration I get from Lauren! The beauty and excitement for life that she shows and shares is amazing. I aspire to take my creativity and combine it with her passion and know how!
You will be blessed by both of these amazing blogging women, just as I am!
And to Lauren at Our Hiding Place. I can't describe the inspiration I get from Lauren! The beauty and excitement for life that she shows and shares is amazing. I aspire to take my creativity and combine it with her passion and know how!
You will be blessed by both of these amazing blogging women, just as I am!
2. Share 7 things about yourself:
I love God so much that I make it a point to spend time with him every day. Even if it is just a few moments while I am scrubbing pots and pans.
I am a full blown crazy red head.
I love people, yet love being in the comfort of my home more days than not.
I am a Sci-Fi lover. I can't get enough of the fascinating world that lurks in our minds and myths. My husband is often shocked by the movies and shows I love that he thought only he would want to watch in our home!
I am a sucker for any flower you put in front of me. (Casablanca Lilies always win though.)
Even as a red head, I wear pink proudly.
If I get the craving, I will drink a little of the green olive juice if I run out of olives just to get my "fix." :)
3. Share 7 blog posts that fit the following categories:
Most Beautiful: Joyful Friday Vol 2 - O Praise Him: It is beautiful because it lifts the name of my Savior and tells the story of how He has blessed us. It tells the story of how He wants to bless all of us.
Most Helpful: Scrubbing with a Smile: We all have things in our lives we don't like doing. Having a perspective of gratefulness takes the bitterness out of scrubbing toilets.
Most Popular: Unfailing Love: There are not many words that can describe God's Unfailing Love. But there are endless hearts crying out for it.
Most Controversial: Speaking in Tongues - I know this was the most controversial because no one commented on it! I know from my own feelings in the past this is one that will forever put people at arms length. But it is something that I believe strongly in and love to share the joy with anyone that is interested.
Most Surprisingly Successful: Favorite Feel Good Food: I received an amazing amount of page views on this post. I think this time of year a good, simple homemade turkey broth speaks to the souls and cold feet of cold people everywhere! I am grateful I figured out how to do it, share it and will need it soon!
Most Underrated: See Below: I am making my first post worth two on this list because, I underrated it and at the same time it is my most pride worthy!
Most Pride Worthy: Abundant Mercies: This is my first post on my blog. It is pride worthy because I finally listened. I finally opened up. I finally stepped out and shared.
4. Nominate 7 other bloggers:
Nikki from Simply Striving - Nikki always brightens my day and has something powerful and meaningful to say.
Charina from Pondered Thoughts - Her blog is just how she describes it - Inspiring, uplifting, honest reflections.
Paula from Grow Where You're Planted - Always encouraging and full of faith and love!
Katherine from Katherines Corner - She is such a sweet woman with many beautiful things that she shares!
Barbie from My Freshly Brewed Life - Her blog is full of love and valuable knowledge and wisdom!
Debbie from Deb's One Life - A beautiful child of God that is sharing her love in the mission field as well as in her blog!
Lindy from Who I am - I love her crochet work and her blog! She encourages me to be a better wife, mom and home keeper!
If you were nominated, please pass along on your blog and do the same (if you choose) so that others can see the great things that you do and discover some other blogs that you recommend.
In no particular order… (and 7 is just not a fair number to include every deserving blog)
In no particular order… (and 7 is just not a fair number to include every deserving blog)
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Rejoice and Be Glad in it
This is the day the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalms 118:24
There are many days that this verse is flowing through my head. Usually, it is not because I am rejoicing and being "glad." Most of the time, if I am hearing or singing it over and over while I do the dishes or trying to get a new math concept to make sense to my six year old, it is because I need the reminder! As you may guess, today is a day that I needed to be reminded. My loving Father made this day and I can rejoice and be glad in it no matter my circumstance, mood or hormone level!
Praise God for He is Good and His Mercy Endures Forever!
What verse does your spirit sing to you when you are having "one of those days?" I would love to hear and maybe even add yours to the list I keep close by for when I need extra help!
Be blessed and joyful in all that you do!
Monday, April 9, 2012
How God listens and moves
On this special day, I prayed a prayer on the way to our new church. It is a long drive but worth every second we spend in our new church home.
I struggled finding our new church after the awesome one we left. However, in Gods time... we found the new home He had for us.
This prayer I prayed was very specific and heartfelt. For revelation regarding the authority that Jesus died to give us. The authority that His victory gives us. The authority we have over the enemy through our King of Kings.
After the awesome worship service and before the amazing childrens program, our new pastor spoke of the very thing I prayed for. This beautiful, humble, sweet man truly is in tune with the Holy Spirit. I am so blessed. We are all so blessed. I cannot tell you all he said today. I could not give it justice.
What I can say, with confidence and gratitude, is that Jesus died for our sins. And He rose from the grave, conquered it to give us victory and authority over the enemy. Death, sin, sickness, disease, addiction, etc. You don't need me to give it a name. You already have the list.
Now, all we need to grasp is that that list is ashes in the wind. Jesus Christ is our King of Kings. The Alpha and Omega. The Beginning and The End. Our Victorious Savior. As the devil is under His feet, so he is under ours. We have authority, now we just need to embrace that authority.
Take hold of the victory that Jesus gave each of us, put on your combat boots and show the devil who the boss is. The devil and his minions have no authority in your life. They are defeated already, all you have to do is remind them in the name of Jesus and they will flea faster than you can spell Victory!
Thank you, my sweet, loving and perfect Jesus. I love you and I love all of yours. I melt at the thought of Your Love!
I struggled finding our new church after the awesome one we left. However, in Gods time... we found the new home He had for us.
This prayer I prayed was very specific and heartfelt. For revelation regarding the authority that Jesus died to give us. The authority that His victory gives us. The authority we have over the enemy through our King of Kings.
After the awesome worship service and before the amazing childrens program, our new pastor spoke of the very thing I prayed for. This beautiful, humble, sweet man truly is in tune with the Holy Spirit. I am so blessed. We are all so blessed. I cannot tell you all he said today. I could not give it justice.
What I can say, with confidence and gratitude, is that Jesus died for our sins. And He rose from the grave, conquered it to give us victory and authority over the enemy. Death, sin, sickness, disease, addiction, etc. You don't need me to give it a name. You already have the list.
Now, all we need to grasp is that that list is ashes in the wind. Jesus Christ is our King of Kings. The Alpha and Omega. The Beginning and The End. Our Victorious Savior. As the devil is under His feet, so he is under ours. We have authority, now we just need to embrace that authority.
Take hold of the victory that Jesus gave each of us, put on your combat boots and show the devil who the boss is. The devil and his minions have no authority in your life. They are defeated already, all you have to do is remind them in the name of Jesus and they will flea faster than you can spell Victory!
Thank you, my sweet, loving and perfect Jesus. I love you and I love all of yours. I melt at the thought of Your Love!
Saturday, April 7, 2012
I Am
Since news of our move I have been spending considerably less time on the computer, whether it be on the pc, netbook or phone. And I have been loving it! The last couple of months, I have rediscovered life without the internet. To my readers - I cannot apologize. I did not have anything to say that would improve your day. God's word rules.
I will not lie. I still use the internet, I still need my navigation, pay my bills, post to Facebook on occasion and check my feed on some days. But I have put my main focus on the beautiful world around me; the family, home and the fascinating wonders around me that God has so abundandtly blessed me with. My cup over flows.
I am continually grateful for the blessings God has given us. I watch, in awe, the life that springs and grows in the view of our world. Being in Florida so long, I had forgotten what Spring looks like. Even when I lived up north I think I was so busy living my life that I did not pay attention to the complete wonder that was unfolding in front of me.
And then, I open my mouth. Not with my words.
This beautiful weekend. This weekend that reminds me of the incredible, intense, dumbfounding sacrifice that Jesus Christ poured out for us..... I am overwhelmed.
Growing up, I did not understand what Easter was all about. No one in my memory broke it down; explained it.
Now I understand. Call it revelation, eye opening, or heart breaking. I now get it. God loves me so much that He sacrificed something more than I could fathom. He sacrificed His one and only son. Himself. He lived the same life I live. He fought the same demons I fight. He loved the same enemies I meet each day. He survived the same pain I survived. He is I Am. He was I Am and He will always be I Am.
He died the death I deserve.
What He did that I did not and could not... He rose victorious.
For me to have salvation. To have Peace, forever. To have Joy, forever. To live with Him, forever. To Share, with everyone.
He Loves You! He Loves You! He Loves You!
God is no respecter of persons. He loves all of us. He loves us all equally and fully and completely and with all that He is. And He is Everything. He is Good. He is Wonderful. He is Powerful. He is I Am.
I will not lie. I still use the internet, I still need my navigation, pay my bills, post to Facebook on occasion and check my feed on some days. But I have put my main focus on the beautiful world around me; the family, home and the fascinating wonders around me that God has so abundandtly blessed me with. My cup over flows.
I am continually grateful for the blessings God has given us. I watch, in awe, the life that springs and grows in the view of our world. Being in Florida so long, I had forgotten what Spring looks like. Even when I lived up north I think I was so busy living my life that I did not pay attention to the complete wonder that was unfolding in front of me.
And then, I open my mouth. Not with my words.
This beautiful weekend. This weekend that reminds me of the incredible, intense, dumbfounding sacrifice that Jesus Christ poured out for us..... I am overwhelmed.
Growing up, I did not understand what Easter was all about. No one in my memory broke it down; explained it.
Now I understand. Call it revelation, eye opening, or heart breaking. I now get it. God loves me so much that He sacrificed something more than I could fathom. He sacrificed His one and only son. Himself. He lived the same life I live. He fought the same demons I fight. He loved the same enemies I meet each day. He survived the same pain I survived. He is I Am. He was I Am and He will always be I Am.
He died the death I deserve.
What He did that I did not and could not... He rose victorious.
For me to have salvation. To have Peace, forever. To have Joy, forever. To live with Him, forever. To Share, with everyone.
He Loves You! He Loves You! He Loves You!
God is no respecter of persons. He loves all of us. He loves us all equally and fully and completely and with all that He is. And He is Everything. He is Good. He is Wonderful. He is Powerful. He is I Am.
abundant mercy,
God is Good,
I Am,
Friday, February 10, 2012
Joyful Friday - My Testimony
I am changing Joyful Friday up a little this week. I have finally gotten up the courage to share my testimony of how God drew me to Him. How he took the bad decisions I made and worked them for good. How he picked me up out of the deep black pit I was in, dusted me off, wrapped His arms around me and put me back on my feet, facing Him. On His path, surrounded by Light and Love.
My wonderful friend Nikki from SimplyStriving was kind enough to take some of her precious time to read it and give me some suggestions. I am eternally grateful for her insight and kindness! Because it is so long, I have decided to make a page dedicated to it. I will give you a snippet of it today, along with a song that sings along with my spirit. Then, should you want to read the whole story and have a few extra minutes you can click on over and check it out!
Taken from "God's Story through My Life" -
"So I woke up one day and decided to go with "Plan B." I began to relive the years I felt I had missed. I started drinking, doing drugs and then found less than desirable ways to make money. My goal was to make as much money as I could as fast as I could so that I could leave my first husband and my life as I knew it quickly and completely, never to look back. I was as far from God as I can ever imagine someone being."
Oh Happy Day by Jesus Culture truly sings along with my spirit!
I pray that you will read my testimony with an open mind and open heart. I also pray that you will find encouragement and hope in it. That you will be reminded that you can not stray too far from God. His love for you is perfect and unconditional.
I would love to hear from you! What is your testimony? How has God worked in your life to bring you to Him?
Blessings and Joy to all!
My wonderful friend Nikki from SimplyStriving was kind enough to take some of her precious time to read it and give me some suggestions. I am eternally grateful for her insight and kindness! Because it is so long, I have decided to make a page dedicated to it. I will give you a snippet of it today, along with a song that sings along with my spirit. Then, should you want to read the whole story and have a few extra minutes you can click on over and check it out!
Taken from "God's Story through My Life" -
"So I woke up one day and decided to go with "Plan B." I began to relive the years I felt I had missed. I started drinking, doing drugs and then found less than desirable ways to make money. My goal was to make as much money as I could as fast as I could so that I could leave my first husband and my life as I knew it quickly and completely, never to look back. I was as far from God as I can ever imagine someone being."
Oh Happy Day by Jesus Culture truly sings along with my spirit!
I pray that you will read my testimony with an open mind and open heart. I also pray that you will find encouragement and hope in it. That you will be reminded that you can not stray too far from God. His love for you is perfect and unconditional.
I would love to hear from you! What is your testimony? How has God worked in your life to bring you to Him?
Blessings and Joy to all!
abundant mercies,
abundant mercy,
Born Again,
God blog,
God is Good,
Good news,
Holy Spirit,
Jesus Christ,
I am a Spiritual Pre-Teen
I am 35 years old, but when I am at church, I feel 12. Why is that, you ask? Because I am a spiritual pre-teen.
I do not know what the "church face" should look like. I try to make it and it feels like a day old clay mask.
I let my joy and passion shine through but feel like the only one that is singing or raising my hand to our Awesome God and Might Savior.
I do not know if I can tell you the facts of my life and still be welcome here.
I love God. I am learning to love my self.
I want to do right. My body disagrees often. God forgives me then shows me the right way.
Many of the "vocabulary" words make me feel as if I missed a semester or two.
Your words say you care, yet your face says "I am late for lunch."
I want to be an individual but I want to fit in.
I want you to be happy that God saved my life. I am happy He saved yours so you could be here today.
Are you a spiritual pre-teen? If not, do you know one? If you do, love them, accept them and guide them. Show them the "secret handshake," don't just walk away wondering how they don't know it yet.
If you don't, pay attention. We are everywhere. We are looking for you. To love, and to love us. To share our joy and passion. And to share yours. To learn from you and to grow with you.
I do not know what the "church face" should look like. I try to make it and it feels like a day old clay mask.
I let my joy and passion shine through but feel like the only one that is singing or raising my hand to our Awesome God and Might Savior.
I do not know if I can tell you the facts of my life and still be welcome here.
I love God. I am learning to love my self.
I want to do right. My body disagrees often. God forgives me then shows me the right way.
Many of the "vocabulary" words make me feel as if I missed a semester or two.
Your words say you care, yet your face says "I am late for lunch."
I want to be an individual but I want to fit in.
I want you to be happy that God saved my life. I am happy He saved yours so you could be here today.
Are you a spiritual pre-teen? If not, do you know one? If you do, love them, accept them and guide them. Show them the "secret handshake," don't just walk away wondering how they don't know it yet.
If you don't, pay attention. We are everywhere. We are looking for you. To love, and to love us. To share our joy and passion. And to share yours. To learn from you and to grow with you.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Super Blog Lovin'
Since I have begun my blog, I have found dozens of wonderful blogs. So many, in fact, that I am having a hard time keeping up with all of them. Today, I am linking up with for Thursday Favorite Things and decided to post a list of just a few of my favorite blogs so far. This is a very diverse list by category but I will try to keep it from being too long!
SimplyStriving - Nikki's blog is pure and encouraging!
Pondered Thoughts - Charina's description is best - "inspiring.uplifting.honest.reflections"
My Freshly Brewed Life - Barbie is such a beautiful and Godly woman and it shines through here!
KatherinesCorner - Katherine is a beautiful person and so are all of her creations!
KludgyMom - Gigi's is one of the reasons I was inspired to start my own blog and is hilarious and informative!
Alissa Grosso - Alissa is a writer and fascinating person. Books, writing, travel ... lots of fun!
OurHomeSchoolReviews - Absolutely wonderful source of information for a homeschooling mom!
Don't Let Life Pass You By - Inspiration, encouragement and a life that warms the heart!
Poppy Swap - I love herbs - using them, learning about them, growing them - this is a great herbie site!
Sidhe Herbal - The kitchen adventure of one homeschooling herbie and her family... need I say more! :)
I think that is enough for now! I hope you find a new blog or two to enjoy!
If your blog did not show up in this post, please forgive me. I am trying to keep it to a fair sized list so I am only posting a handful of my favorites to keep it reasonable. I am working on a Blog Love page and would love for anyone that would like to be on this page to comment below with your name, name of your blog, URL and a brief description. I do have a list going, but would like to make sure I don't miss anyone! I will be working on this over the next week or so then will have it up for all to reference and enjoy!
Be Blessed and Joyful always!
PS - A couple of updates - I finished my husbands Crazy Blue Granny Afghan and will be posting pics on later today. And even bigger news - My husband got the job in Tennessee and we are moving very soon! :)
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Tune-In Tuesday - From the Inside Out
This is one of my and my families favorite worship songs and bands. We love Rock music and Worship music and this band has perfectly combined the two! Seventh Day Slumbers Take Everything Album is full of wonderful worship songs and this is the one we listen to the most. If it was a cassette, it would be warped right now!
I am so full of gratitude and praise for our Mighty King that I am almost speechless. Today, I am going to let the song speak for itself.
I pray that your spirit is lifted from this song.
I am linking up with Grow Where You're Planted for Tune-in Tuesdays! We would love if you would join us with your favorite Worship song!
I am so full of gratitude and praise for our Mighty King that I am almost speechless. Today, I am going to let the song speak for itself.
I pray that your spirit is lifted from this song.
I am linking up with Grow Where You're Planted for Tune-in Tuesdays! We would love if you would join us with your favorite Worship song!
God is Good,
Holy Spirit,
Inside Out,
Jesus Christ,
Seventh Day Slumber,
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Faith - The Title Deed
Hebrews 11:1 NIV
Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.
This is one of the first scriptures I learned. It defines faith. Today, I read this verse in the Amplified Bible for the first time. It blew me away. It is fascinating to me how having more insight to the original meaning of the words and language used in penning the Bible opens so much in understanding.
Hebrews 11:1 AMP
Now faith is the assurance (the confirmation, the title deed*) of the things [we] hope for, being the proof of things [we] do not see and the conviction of their reality [faith perceiving as real fact what is not revealed to the senses].
{*emphasis mine}How many times have you asked God for something, having full faith that He will answer you, then walking back out into your daily life start having the "but if it doesn't happen" thoughts or that little voice in your head planting seeds of doubt? I know I do, often.
If you inherited a home that you had never seen and were handed the title deed to the home, would you doubt its existence? Would you need to see photographs of it before you bought your plane ticket to go take possession of it? Would you say to your friends, "well, I hope this house is mine." Or would you say "I have a home in ...! Would you like to come with me to see it?"
God has so much for each of us. So many blessings and rewards. Our part is to believe, have faith, accept them as reality before the realization of them. When you ask God for something, before you end your prayer, thank Him for it as if it has already happened. Then water that prayer continually with praise and thanksgiving. Also, I have learned to live out that faith. To live life as if it is already answered, not as if I am not sure if it will happen.
God is so Good, so Faithful. HE LOVES YOU! And so do I!
I pray you have a blessed and joy filled day!
Today I am linking up with Barbie for Fresh Brewed Sundays - Come on over and join us!

*THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
Friday, February 3, 2012
Joyful Friday - Vol. 2 O Praise Him
Joyful Friday is here again! Today I get to share an amazing blessing for our family that has filled us with joy and excitement! This is the one I mentioned earlier in the week in my Tune-In Tuesday post.
First I would like to give God all the glory and share a verse and a song to sing the praises of our Awesome God to! So much joy can be had just in the act of praising God.
Psalm 63:4-5 NIV*
I will praise you as long as I live,
and in your name I will lift up my hands.
I will be fully satisfied as with the richest of foods;
with singing lips my mouth will praise you.
O Praise Him by David Crowder Band
I am going to share a little background so you can get an understanding of just how much this means to us. And of the amazing work God has been doing in our lives. 5 years ago, my husband was a man that wanted to be so much more as a husband, father and provider. However, after years of many let downs he had come to the conclusion that he would be a "grunt" for the rest of his life. Then he found a man and a company that saw the same potential I saw in him. They gave him a chance and he proved that what I had been telling him and trying to get him to believe of himself was true. In the years since, he has progressed quickly in his field. The same company went through many changes with the economy. My husband has felt for a while that, even though he is so grateful for the opportunity they gave him, he is no longer supposed to be there. The job hunt was going slow and we were starting to doubt the decision to make a change.
A couple of Sundays ago our Pastor spoke about clarifying your vision and being specific in prayer. The next day he found a job that was a perfect fit for him and our family. He laid it at God's feet that this was the one he wanted. He came to me and told be that he had clarified his vision for his new job and that this was the one. Thursday he got a call from them and this past Monday had another phone interview with 3 of the higher ups in the company. They liked him so much that they flew him up to Tennessee "all expenses paid" to "meet him and give him a tour of the plant." To some that may sound like a normal thing. For us this is something that we would see on TV not in our real lives. I was so overwhelmed with joy and gratitude that it took me about an hour to stop crying. (yeah, I can be mushy and emotional at times) :)
Today he is there, and I am here...waiting "patiently" for a call or text or anything from him. I was planning on waiting until I got the definite answer to post this. But I feel that just like in prayer, we give thanks and praise before the answer, in complete faith that He has heard and is faithful to answer. So this is my joy, my song, my gratefulness, my faith and my heart singing praises to my Amazing, Loving and Faithful God!
We are moving to Tennessee! I believe it and so it shall be!
What are you joyful for this week? I would love to share your joy with you!
*THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Yarn Lovin' - Crazy Blue Granny
I am starting a topic and eventually a page called "Yarn Lovin'." This is where I will share with you my love for yarn and crochet. I will post about patterns, projects, yarns and resources that I have found. I am no expert but it is a fun hobby that I love enough to share on my blog!
Today I would like to share with you a little about one of my favorite hobbies. I love to Crochet. To be frank, I have not finished many projects over the years. However, right now I am working on an afghan for my husband that I plan to put on the very short list of completed projects. I tend to pick very intricate or large projects, then get bored or overwhelmed and put it aside. Then a while later I will move on to the next space eating project! This time I picked a granny square afghan but with a "jamie" twist. Instead of following a pattern I am using several colors my husband likes and making different sized and patterned squares then will put them all together "abstract like" and call it my Crazy Blue Granny Afghan! Below is a pic of the progress I have made on the squares, laid out on the blanket I am using for sizing.
I have found that crocheting is very therapeutic. Taking time for things that I purely enjoy while not accomplishing something valuable for my family, home or spirituality makes me feel guilty. I know that is not really healthy but God is working in me one thing at a time! With crocheting I can be accomplishing something, making something we need or as a gift to one I love and still get much needed "down time" for my brain and body. I do know that I will have to actually complete projects for this to hold any water and remind myself of it daily! :)
Since the granny square is new to me (as well as finishing a project) my next challenge is deciding the best way to connect the squares. The whip stitch and the slip stitch do not seem sturdy enough but the single crochet leaves a big ridge that I am not sure would be very comfortable. Today I will be trying to do the single crochet with a smaller hook to see if it helps. If any of you have any suggestions, I would love to hear them. Do you have a favorite hobby? Do you struggle with finishing projects?
Note - I did find a cool yarn lovers site that keeps me motivated since I find so many cool ideas and people on it. If you are a fellow yarn lover, check out My name on the site is "jamiej76." If you join, look me up! I would love to share notes and projects with you!
Today I am linking up with Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop Linky Party Time at

Have a blessed and beautiful day!
Today I would like to share with you a little about one of my favorite hobbies. I love to Crochet. To be frank, I have not finished many projects over the years. However, right now I am working on an afghan for my husband that I plan to put on the very short list of completed projects. I tend to pick very intricate or large projects, then get bored or overwhelmed and put it aside. Then a while later I will move on to the next space eating project! This time I picked a granny square afghan but with a "jamie" twist. Instead of following a pattern I am using several colors my husband likes and making different sized and patterned squares then will put them all together "abstract like" and call it my Crazy Blue Granny Afghan! Below is a pic of the progress I have made on the squares, laid out on the blanket I am using for sizing.
I have since complete more squares but do not want to get it all laid out again to collect more animal fur!
I have found that crocheting is very therapeutic. Taking time for things that I purely enjoy while not accomplishing something valuable for my family, home or spirituality makes me feel guilty. I know that is not really healthy but God is working in me one thing at a time! With crocheting I can be accomplishing something, making something we need or as a gift to one I love and still get much needed "down time" for my brain and body. I do know that I will have to actually complete projects for this to hold any water and remind myself of it daily! :)
Since the granny square is new to me (as well as finishing a project) my next challenge is deciding the best way to connect the squares. The whip stitch and the slip stitch do not seem sturdy enough but the single crochet leaves a big ridge that I am not sure would be very comfortable. Today I will be trying to do the single crochet with a smaller hook to see if it helps. If any of you have any suggestions, I would love to hear them. Do you have a favorite hobby? Do you struggle with finishing projects?
Note - I did find a cool yarn lovers site that keeps me motivated since I find so many cool ideas and people on it. If you are a fellow yarn lover, check out My name on the site is "jamiej76." If you join, look me up! I would love to share notes and projects with you!
Today I am linking up with Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop Linky Party Time at

Have a blessed and beautiful day!
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Tune-In Tuesday - Stay Amazed
Yesterday, God showed me that I was not expecting enough from Him. It was like I had put Him in a box based on what I thought He could or would do for our family. When I saw just how much He was doing, beyond all I could imagine, I was overcome.
We have asked God for something that we thought was huge. He showed us yesterday that He is capable and willing (and doing) exceedingly, abundantly more than we can comprehend. I know I am being vague right now. And I apologize. I will share the whole story once all is settled. I just could not keep my awe and amazement in. I have heard in sermons past to "Go Big" in prayer. Ask God for the fun and big things too, not just the things we thing are most important. Jesus came for us to have and enjoy life abundantly. Not minimally, not just our basic needs. (John 10:10)
That is why I am posting "Stay Amazed" today. I had planned on another song, but after yesterday, this one would not leave my mind!
"Oh holy God
I stay amazed
You are so much more than words could ever say
Oh holy God
I pour out my praise
On the One who never ceases to amaze me"
Today, ask Our Amazing God for something big, something you would not normally think you could ask for. Ask Him for it, Believe Him for it, Thank Him for it before you ever see it. He wants to bless you. He wants to improve your life. He wants you to live and love with fullness and joy!
What has God done for you that you are amazed at? How has He blown your mind with His generosity?
Be blessed and amazed!
Would you like to share your favorite worship tune? Check out Tune-In Tuesday at and link up! I am!
We have asked God for something that we thought was huge. He showed us yesterday that He is capable and willing (and doing) exceedingly, abundantly more than we can comprehend. I know I am being vague right now. And I apologize. I will share the whole story once all is settled. I just could not keep my awe and amazement in. I have heard in sermons past to "Go Big" in prayer. Ask God for the fun and big things too, not just the things we thing are most important. Jesus came for us to have and enjoy life abundantly. Not minimally, not just our basic needs. (John 10:10)
That is why I am posting "Stay Amazed" today. I had planned on another song, but after yesterday, this one would not leave my mind!
"Oh holy God
I stay amazed
You are so much more than words could ever say
Oh holy God
I pour out my praise
On the One who never ceases to amaze me"
Today, ask Our Amazing God for something big, something you would not normally think you could ask for. Ask Him for it, Believe Him for it, Thank Him for it before you ever see it. He wants to bless you. He wants to improve your life. He wants you to live and love with fullness and joy!
What has God done for you that you are amazed at? How has He blown your mind with His generosity?
Be blessed and amazed!
Would you like to share your favorite worship tune? Check out Tune-In Tuesday at and link up! I am!
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Unfailing Love
Psalm 86:5 (NLT)
5 O Lord, you are so good, so ready to forgive,
so full of unfailing love for all who ask for your help.
God is so Good! Each day I am amazed at his unfailing forgiveness and mercy. He does not just love certain people. He does not listen to one persons cry over another. He is no respecter of persons. God hears and answers ALL who call out and ask Him for help.
Do not ever hesitate to call on Him. Do not ever worry that you have done too much or that you have strayed too far. His love, His arms, His forgiveness covers all distances.
God is Good. Good in a way we cannot fully understand. But what we can do is trust him and ask Him for help. He will hear and answer you!
Be blessed and joyful always!
I am linking with Barbie from for Fresh Brewed Sundays and would love for you to join us!
Scripture taken from New Living Translation (NLT) Holy Bible. New Living Translation copyright© 1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Speaking in Tongues
In my about me page I let you know that I "speak in tongues." To some this is a very scary phrase and it used to be for me to. I would like to clarify this statement and hopefully help to break an old stereotype. I understand that there may be churches that everyone is speaking in tongues all at once and there is no interpreter, very chaotic and uncomfortable for someone new. Since I have not attended one I have no idea if this does still exist. I believe God does not want chaos or an uncomfortable environment in His House. The New Testament letters from Paul make it pretty clear that this is not acceptable. (ref 1 Corinthians 14) I am no theological student or minister but would like to share my own beliefs on the matter in the best way I know how. I will reference scripture and give other sources for you to research it on your own should you choose to understand this gift more.
When our friends invited us to the church we now attend, they did let us know that they do believe in "speaking in tongues," aka "praying in the Holy Spirit." They did not want us to get there and be surprised. You can only imagine the scenes I had running through my head. All based off of rumors and stereo-types, not from any experience I had had. Well, we got there and there was no chaos, not dozens of people speaking loudly in other languages or babbling. When the pastor prayed, you could hear some praying softly along with him but quietly and for themselves, not for others to hear.
Fast forward to now. I have grown to understand this beautiful prayer language and value it more than gold. Yes, I do pray in the Holy Spirit. He takes my prayers and translates them in God's own language. He knows more than I could ever know about what I should pray for and how I should pray for it. Like I said, I am no bible teacher. I am going to list several scriptures below and a couple of reference sites for further understanding on this.
I do not believe that speaking in tongues is in any way tied into my salvation. I am saved through Christ alone, not by anything else. Not every Christian "speaks in tongues." It is something that is personal between you and God. I know that I will see all of my fellow believers in Heaven, not just the ones that pray in the Spirit. Praying in the Holy Spirit helps me here and now. He is our counselor and comforter, our helper and intercessor. (see John 14:16, John 14:26, John 15:26 and John 16:7)
There is so much more that I could write here but my main purpose in this post is to dispel the stereo-type. Also, I want to ensure that my readers do understand who I am and what my beliefs are. I do believe that it is a wonderful gift and have experienced the benefits over and over in my daily life. My love for others motivates me to share this with them so that they can enjoy such an amazing closeness with God and power in their lives.
I would love to hear from you. Do you believe in speaking in tongues? Do you have more questions about it? I do ask that you be respectful if you disagree. I am open to dialogue and debate but not disrespect or derision. I will not speak down to you and hope you would treat me the same.
For your reference, here are a few links that I did not mention above. This is not an exhaustive list, but a good start for those that are interested.
Acts 2
1 Corinthians 12:7-11 & 12:28-31
Speaking in Tongues by Kenneth E. Hagin
CARM - What is speaking in tongues?
When our friends invited us to the church we now attend, they did let us know that they do believe in "speaking in tongues," aka "praying in the Holy Spirit." They did not want us to get there and be surprised. You can only imagine the scenes I had running through my head. All based off of rumors and stereo-types, not from any experience I had had. Well, we got there and there was no chaos, not dozens of people speaking loudly in other languages or babbling. When the pastor prayed, you could hear some praying softly along with him but quietly and for themselves, not for others to hear.
Fast forward to now. I have grown to understand this beautiful prayer language and value it more than gold. Yes, I do pray in the Holy Spirit. He takes my prayers and translates them in God's own language. He knows more than I could ever know about what I should pray for and how I should pray for it. Like I said, I am no bible teacher. I am going to list several scriptures below and a couple of reference sites for further understanding on this.
I do not believe that speaking in tongues is in any way tied into my salvation. I am saved through Christ alone, not by anything else. Not every Christian "speaks in tongues." It is something that is personal between you and God. I know that I will see all of my fellow believers in Heaven, not just the ones that pray in the Spirit. Praying in the Holy Spirit helps me here and now. He is our counselor and comforter, our helper and intercessor. (see John 14:16, John 14:26, John 15:26 and John 16:7)
There is so much more that I could write here but my main purpose in this post is to dispel the stereo-type. Also, I want to ensure that my readers do understand who I am and what my beliefs are. I do believe that it is a wonderful gift and have experienced the benefits over and over in my daily life. My love for others motivates me to share this with them so that they can enjoy such an amazing closeness with God and power in their lives.
I would love to hear from you. Do you believe in speaking in tongues? Do you have more questions about it? I do ask that you be respectful if you disagree. I am open to dialogue and debate but not disrespect or derision. I will not speak down to you and hope you would treat me the same.
For your reference, here are a few links that I did not mention above. This is not an exhaustive list, but a good start for those that are interested.
Acts 2
1 Corinthians 12:7-11 & 12:28-31
Speaking in Tongues by Kenneth E. Hagin
CARM - What is speaking in tongues?
Holy Spirit,
Speaking in Tongues,
Friday, January 27, 2012
Joyful Fridays Vol. 1
I am starting something new! Joyful Fridays! Every Friday I am going to post on Joy and how we can have more of it in our lives. I would love to make this a Link Party or Blog Hop but I am not sure I have the following for that just yet. If this is something you would be interested in, please let me know in comments or email!
This is one of my favorite songs by Casting Crowns off of their Until the Whole World Hears album and it going 'round and 'round in my head last night inspired me!
There are so many scriptures in the bible on Joy and Joyful that I am sure that this is something that God wants us to have lots of in our lives. In John 10:10, Jesus tells us that he came so that we can have an abundant life and to enjoy it! Each Friday I am going to give a verse on Joy and share a little of my own insight and how I apply it in my life.
and a great King above all gods.
I would like to say that I am consistent each day but I am not. That is something I am working on. However, on the days that I make the time to spend time with God and to sing and make a joyful noise to Him, I can feel and see the difference. He is our Rock, our King; the Alpha and Omega. We live in a chaotic and ever changing world. We can rejoice in the fact that our God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow!
Maybe you aren't comfortable singing out loud. Maybe you were not gifted with a singing voice. Well, I fit both categories and am here to tell you that you should forget yourself and just try it. Yes, some of us even have to step out in faith just to sing out loud! Once I got over my own insecurities and reminded myself that this was not for me but for God; that it is not a contest but a way for me to bring joy and praise to my King; I let go and let loose! It felt great! Once we ask Jesus into our hearts, we are filled with Him, His Holy Spirit. When I focus on praising and worshiping God with my less than lovely voice, Holy Spirit steps in and helps. That is why He is here, to be our helper, counselor, comforter. To step in and fill in where we are weak, broken, unable.
So turn on your favorite worship song or just click play above and SING, SING, SING! Make a JOYFUL NOISE and start (or finish) your day with the peace and joy of the Lord!
I would love to hear from you. What songs do you enjoy singing out? What things bring you joy each day?
This is one of my favorite songs by Casting Crowns off of their Until the Whole World Hears album and it going 'round and 'round in my head last night inspired me!
There are so many scriptures in the bible on Joy and Joyful that I am sure that this is something that God wants us to have lots of in our lives. In John 10:10, Jesus tells us that he came so that we can have an abundant life and to enjoy it! Each Friday I am going to give a verse on Joy and share a little of my own insight and how I apply it in my life.
Psalm 95:1-3
Amplified Bible (AMP)
1O COME, let us sing to the Lord;
let us make a joyful noise to the Rock of our salvation!
2Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving;
let us make a joyful noise to Him with songs of praise!
3For the Lord is a great God, 2Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving;
let us make a joyful noise to Him with songs of praise!
and a great King above all gods.
I would like to say that I am consistent each day but I am not. That is something I am working on. However, on the days that I make the time to spend time with God and to sing and make a joyful noise to Him, I can feel and see the difference. He is our Rock, our King; the Alpha and Omega. We live in a chaotic and ever changing world. We can rejoice in the fact that our God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow!
Maybe you aren't comfortable singing out loud. Maybe you were not gifted with a singing voice. Well, I fit both categories and am here to tell you that you should forget yourself and just try it. Yes, some of us even have to step out in faith just to sing out loud! Once I got over my own insecurities and reminded myself that this was not for me but for God; that it is not a contest but a way for me to bring joy and praise to my King; I let go and let loose! It felt great! Once we ask Jesus into our hearts, we are filled with Him, His Holy Spirit. When I focus on praising and worshiping God with my less than lovely voice, Holy Spirit steps in and helps. That is why He is here, to be our helper, counselor, comforter. To step in and fill in where we are weak, broken, unable.
So turn on your favorite worship song or just click play above and SING, SING, SING! Make a JOYFUL NOISE and start (or finish) your day with the peace and joy of the Lord!
I would love to hear from you. What songs do you enjoy singing out? What things bring you joy each day?
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