Sunday, January 29, 2012

Unfailing Love

Psalm 86:5 (NLT)

 5 O Lord, you are so good, so ready to forgive,
      so full of unfailing love for all who ask for your help.

God is so Good!  Each day I am amazed at his unfailing forgiveness and mercy.  He does not just love certain people.  He does not listen to one persons cry over another.  He is no respecter of persons.  God hears and answers ALL who call out and ask Him for help.

Do not ever hesitate to call on Him.  Do not ever worry that you have done too much or that you have strayed too far.  His love, His arms, His forgiveness covers all distances.  

God is Good.  Good in a way we cannot fully understand.  But what we can do is trust him and ask Him for help.  He will hear and answer you!

Be blessed and joyful always!


I am linking with Barbie from for Fresh Brewed Sundays and would love for you to join us!


Scripture taken from New Living Translation (NLT)  Holy Bible. New Living Translation copyright© 1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.


  1. Hi Jamie! Following you over here from Barbie.

    Yes, our God is a good and loving God. All we have to do is fully trust Him. Blessings!

    1. Thank you for your visit and comment! I will stop by your blog after church! Have a beautiful and blessed day!

  2. Hi, I came over from Barbie's blog. Every now and then I get these 'wow' moments over God. He is totally amazing. He loves all and He is always ready to forgive a repentant heart.


    1. I am grateful for your visit and comment! I pray that we never stop having "wow" moments over the awesomeness of our God! Have a blessed day!

  3. So ready to forgive, unlike me sometimes. I clicked on you from Barbie's. I love the yarn in your button!

    1. Thank you! It was the first button I have ever made! :) And yes, I think we can all take a lesson in forgiveness from Him!

  4. I am so grateful that He is a forgiving God! I'd be doomed otherwise.

    Thank you for the sweet reminder and for visiting me today.

    God bless you!

    1. Thank you for the comment and visit! I will visit often! Have a blessed and beautiful week!

  5. There is nothing like His unfailing love and forgiveness. I feel so unworthy at times, but He loves me so. Thank you for linking up today!

    1. I had a blast with your link party and appreciate you! Thank you for hosting it and for stopping by! Blessings and Peace to you!

  6. Hi Jamie, Beautifully said. I have recently found your blog and am now following you, and will visit often. Please stop by my blog and perhaps you would like to follow me also. Have a wonderful day. Hugs, Chris

    1. Hi Chris and thank you! I visited you and love your blog! I cannot wait to see how The Queen's Cupboard turns out! :)

  7. Yes! God is good. All the time. No matter who. No matter what. :) thank you for your encouragement!

  8. I keep having the song You are so Good run through my head! :) I think I will post on that one tomorrow! Thank you for stopping by! Have a blessed and beautiful week!


I am grateful for your thoughts and comments! Be blessed and joyful always!